
Herbal foot bath foot soak pills
  • Herbal foot bath foot soak pills
  • Herbal foot bath foot soak pills
  • Herbal foot bath foot soak pills
  • Herbal foot bath foot soak pills
  • Herbal foot bath foot soak pills

Herbal Foot Bath Foot Soak Pills


Herbal foot bath foot soak pills

Multi-flavor raw material herbal ratio, no need to boil, soluble in water. Lightweight, moisturizes feet and relieves fatigue

- Safflower foot soak pills

Main ingredients: safflower, motherwort, salvia, peppercorn and other extracts

It is suitable for people with cold menstrual pain, poor qi and blood, low menstrual flow, cold body deficiency, haggard and dark yellow face.

- Wormwood foot soak pills

Main ingredients: wormwood, angelica, peppercorns, licorice and other extracts

Suitable for people with heavy moisture, no exercise, puffiness and puffiness, acne on the face, wet and cold living environment, love to eat raw and cold, etc.

- Peppercorn foot pills

Main ingredients: peppercorns, angelica, cinnamon, licorice and other extracts

Suitable for people with perennial air conditioning, vein blockage, not easy to sweat, quadriplegia, cold pain in the waist and knees, rheumatic joints and so on.

- Ginger foot soak pills

Main ingredients: ginger, solitary, peppercorn, licorice and other extracts

Suitable for people with cold hands and feet, cold intolerance, wind chill susceptibility, lack of exercise, poor sleep and so on.


It can be customized and processed according to the customers requirements, and supports the customization of drawings